10 Questions Pastoral Search Committees Must Ask

TEN QUESTIONS PASTORAL SEARCH COMMITTEES MUST ASK The current theological climate presents a tremendous challenge for churches in search of a new pastor. Unfortunately, pastoral search committees are often unaware of some of today’s most pressing theological issues and so don’t know the questions that need to be asked of pastoral candidates to determine where they stand doctrinally. This list of ten theological questions is not intended to be exhaustive, but, rather, it should be an aid in the overall pastoral search process. The reason for posing simple yes or no questions is to make it earier to determine exactly what

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ABI 2010 Year-End Report

It’s hard to believe that 2010 is almost over. It has been an incredibly exciting and very full year of ministry. The Lord has allowed me to minister to many wonderful people, as well as carry the ministry of The Alliance for Biblical Integrity forward in significant ways. I had the opportunity to teach more hours and in more venues than in any of my previous 23 years of full-time ministry. We sincerely appreciate the many who have prayed for us, those who have sent notes of encouragement via email and Facebook, and those who have given sacrificially to make

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Homosexuality and the Bible: ABI Survey Results

Below are the results from the survey concerning ABI readers’ views on homosexuality and the Bible. (The survey was launched on April 20.) The link to the survey was sent to the 550+ ABI Facebook Group members, 850+ Facebook friends, as well as the 470 recipients of the ABI Update emailings (although there is obviously overlap between the three groups). There have been 104 respondents so far. Concerning the Results The statements were presented in pairs, generally representing the two opposing views as they are often expressed concerning this subject. However, this was not to suggest that these are the

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Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience

When I checked my Inbox on Saturday morning I found an email from Jimmy DeYoung (one of ABI’s co-founders) concerning the Manhattan Declaration. Because the Manhattan Declaration was still breaking news, Jimmy wanted to discuss it on his weekly radio program. So I quickly went to work trying to learn as much as I could before he called back to do the interview. The Manhattan Declaration is a 4732-word document which was made public at the National Press Conference on Friday, November 20. It was drafted by a committee that included Chuck Colson, Dr. Robert George and Dr. Timothy George

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Worldviews: Are You Hindu Yet?

In August, Jonathan Falwell wrote an article entitled “Are You Hindu Yet?” which was published on the World Net Daily website. Falwell cites an article in the August 15 edition of Newsweek entitled “We Are All Hindus Now.” These articles discuss the changing worldview of Americans (worldview can be understood of the sum total of one’s outlook on life, including one’s understanding and belief about the total of reality). And alarmingly, this change is apparently found within evangelical Christianity as well based on the results of a study by the Pew Forum Study last summer, which indicated that over 57%

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